The date placed in service of Cargo 8 in Narita international airport

Important Other


Thank you for your continued support of the ANA Group.
Regarding the subject matter, in accordance with the press release issued on September 20, 2023, we will gradually consolidate the cargo warehouses, with the planned start of operation on October 21, 2024, as detailed below. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.
(*)Press Release issued September 20, 2023

1.The commence
Export  :21st October ,2024(Mon)(Tentative) 
Import  :1st  November,2024(Fri)(Tentative)

2. Overview


●  21st October(Mon)New open

 ※ Each Warehouse will be step by step moved as below

Transition plan


●  Phase 1:21st  October(Mon)

●  Phase 2:23rd  October(Wed)

●  Phase 3:25th October(Fri)

※ Subject flight on each phase will be announced.

AWB acceptance

●  Cargo 8 from 21st  October(Mon)



●  1st November(Fri)New open

AWB delivery

●  Cargo 8 from 1st  November(Fri)


●  No change from now on

*In more details for the handling at warehouse will be further notice
*Business hour and Customs code will be no change

3.Subject handling shipment
Export cargo・Import cargo・Transit cargo ・Domestic cargo

4. New address for cargo 8
936, Aza-Hirota, Komaino, Narita-City, Chiba, 282-0021

5. Inquiry with regards this matter
Business promotion, Narita Warehouse Operation Center, ANA Cargo Inc,


ANAS-24-032 The date placed in service of Cargo 8 in Narita international airport.pdf