Submission of information of Import of Dangerous Goods to Shenzhen (SZX) customs prior to departure (As of 5th March)



Please be informed that the requirements to be submitted to Shenzhen Customs for transporting Dangerous Goods to SZX have been partially changed since the last announcement.
We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 

1.    Effective Date

2.    Contents
Dangerous Goods information for SZX must be provided to the ANA sales representative at least 6 business day prior to departure as follows:
*    Declaration Form is required regardless of whether similar Dangerous Goods have been transported in the past 6 months.
*    Section-II lithium batteries (ELI, ELM) are EXCLUDED from the above.
1. Provide accurate Dangerous Goods information (to be filled out in attachment form Rev2 in Chinese)
2. The following Dangerous goods related documents from I ~ XI.
I. Agreement, II. Customs declaration sheet-draft, III. Packing list, IV. Invoice, V. Contract, VI.MSDS in Chinese, VII. Authority letter for the DGR, VIII. Operation labels, 
IX. Guarantee Letter,  X.UN label,  XI.MSDS in English

3.    Others
-    In the event of incorrect/inadequate information being submitted, shipments may be stopped at the destination and/or cause a delay in clearance/delivery of cargo.
-    Please provide information on the Consignee Dangerous Goods representative who can be always contacted. Failure to provide this information may result in denial of transport authorization.
-    Please direct any inquiries regarding the attached documents to the following contact.
Shenzhen Airport International Cargo Terminal Co., LTD (ICCS)

4.    Reason
Due to the regulatory strengthening by the SZX authorities, a notice has been issued by the SZX ground handling agent.

5.    Attachment
①Declaration Form for Customer_Rev2.xlsx
②Notification letter from SZX GHA.pdf
③Sample of Dangerous goods related documents.pdf

For more details, please do not hesitate to contact our local sales representatives.
Your kind cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.