Enhancement of Customers' Convenience
Providing prompt and safe cargo transport services through work efficiency using the latest technology.

Reduction of Cargo
Connecting Time -
Truck Access Routes
is Simplified -
Provide Handling
Reduction of Cargo Connecting Time
By integrating the cargo warehouses, connection times will be shortened and convenience improved

Strengthen warehouse hub function
・By integrating the warehouses that were previously dispersed throughout the airport, cargo acceptance & delivery from/to the customers can be completed in one warehouse
Strengthen trilateral cargo transport handling
・The arrival & departure handling of trilateral cargo is now able to be conducted in the same warehouse, shortening the connection times from previous 300 to 180 minutes at the maximum
・Enhancing convenience and international competitiveness of trilateral cargo transport between Europe/U.S.=Asia with increasing demand
Truck Access Routes is Simplified
Truck access routes is simplified, realizing waiting times reduction

Truck dock management system reduces road congestion and ensures safety
・Truck dock management system (vehicle advance reservation & call system) is planned to be introduced
・Relieving congestion and improving safety when trucks are waiting in the cargo area
・Introduction of the system enables drivers to keep track of waiting times and the number of vehicles in the queue
New cargo gate has been installed to enable direct access
・New cargo gate will be installed near "ANA Cargo Base +"
・Direct access from outside the airport to the Narita Airport Cargo Terminal Area, where "ANA Cargo Base +" is located, will be available, improving convenience
Provide Handling Services
Warehouse handling services based on the customers' needs will be provided

Enable to reduce time and delivery costs
・Warehouse handling services, such as measuring, weighing, labeling, and security inspections, is comprehensively provided in the airline's warehouse
・By performing in the airline's warehouse, reduction of lead times, damage risk, and transport costs will be realized
・Handling of wide range of cargo, from perishables of which freshness is important to concert equipment requiring special packaging, is available
Responding to Diversifying Transport Needs
Responding to the extensive transport needs by expanding temperature-controlled facilities, including dedicated pharmaceuticals storage, or dedicated animals storage.

Temperature is Thoroughly Managed
by the Facility Complying
with the International Standards -
Operation System of Professional Unit
Temperature is Thoroughly Managed by the Facility Complying with the International Standards
Thorough temperature control with equipment complying with international standards

■ Dedicated pharmaceutical storage with thorough temperature control for hygiene management.
Dedicated pharmaceutical storage has been installed to respond to 3 temperature ranges, frozen, refrigeration, and medium temperature.
In compliance with IATA CEIV PHARMA, dedicated pharmaceutical handling is conducted by the specialized trained staff
・Installation of antechamber enables strict temperature control inside the storage (-20℃, +2-8℃, +15-25℃)
・Thorough hygiene management
・Temperature monitoring function based on temperature mapping is installed in all storages
・Handling of cargo, including dry ice, is also available
・Fully equipped with charging equipment for active containers
・ULD build-up/breakdown services are provided in the dedicated pharmaceutical storage

Quality is maintained by specialized handling for pharmaceuticals
ANA's dedicated pharmaceutical transport product provides a variety of services according to the characteristics of pharmaceuticals. In addition to strict temperature control, by meeting customers' various needs, prompt & secured reliable transport is realized.
In 2017, ANA became the first Japanese airline to acquire IATA CEIV PHARMA certification. This certification, established by IATA, is a quality certification program for the air transport of pharmaceuticals ensuring its safety, security, compliance, and efficiency based on international unified standards that suit GDP (Good Distribution Practice). ANA provides pharmaceutical transport services that comply with CEIV certification standards by preparing a dedicated pharmaceutical transport manual, implementing a quality management system based on risk assessment, and providing thorough pharmaceutical transport training to the concerned company staff.
■ Temperature-controlled storage provides high-quality service with various temperature ranges.
Responding to 3 temperature ranges, frozen, refrigerated, and medium temperature, is installed.
Complied with IATA CEIV FRESH standards, temperature mapping is conducted, while fully equipped with temperature monitoring functions.
・Responding to the growing demand of temperature-controlled cargo's air transport, such as perishables and chemicals
・Available of 3 temperature ranges: frozen, refrigerated, and medium temperature (-20℃, -5℃, +5℃, +25℃)
・Temperature monitoring function installed in all storages based on temperature mapping
・Fully equipped with charging equipment for active containers
・Installation of truck port for +5℃ storage enables truck loading under maintained temperature-controlled condition
・ULD build-up/breakdown services are provided in the temperature-controlled storage

Perishables transport service without using refrigerated containers
Perishables, sensitive to sunlight & temperature changes, are transported to each city in the world by the extensive network with its freshness being maintained

Temperature-controlled containers are available. Transport of various cargo other than pharmaceuticals is available
Each active & passive type temperature-controlled container is available. Consistent temperature-controlled transport for a wide range of cargo, including chemicals, dairy products, and frozen goods is available.
ANA, in 2023, became the first Japanese airline to acquire IATA CEIV FRESH certification. This certification, established by IATA, is a quality certification program for the air transport of perishables ensuring its safety, security, compliance, and efficiency based on international unified standards that suit HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). ANA provides perishables transport services that comply with CEIV certification standards by preparing a dedicated perishables transport manual, implementing a quality control system based on risk assessment, and providing thorough perishables transport training to the concerned company staff.
■ Dedicated storage facilities for animals, reducing their stress, have been installed.
・Animals' stress is reduced under an environment less affected by external lights and movement of people & things
・Appropriate temperature is maintained by air conditioning (around 23℃)
・Upon request, food & water replenishment, and photography services for dogs or cats is available

Animals are taken good care and safely transported to their destination
Transport from large animals to small pets is provided. Boeing777 freighter aircraft can transport large animals such as horses. For the high demand of dogs and cats transport, optional services such as food & water replenishment, and photography are available, which are frequently requested by customers. Safe & secured air transport quality for animals is provided.
Operation System of Professional Unit
Members with extensive experience carry out specialized handling focused on the safe transportation of special cargo.

A thorough operation system by a professional unit
・The professional unit of ANA Cargo, established in July 2023, organized with well-experienced skillful members, is a dedicated team specialized in safe transport handling of special cargo.
・Utilizing the know-how based on "no damage", "no missing", and "no delay", initiatives to deliver the Japan quality to the world shall be promoted.
・In addition, the future of the logistics industry will be pioneered by aiming for further efficiency & safety based on proactive introduction of AI or robotics technologies.
Other available PRIO products

Reservations & acceptance is available up to 120 & 60 minutes prior to departure, respectively. Furthermore, delivery is available within 90 minutes after arrival. Handling of unexpected urgent cargo is available.

Regardless of its size, weight, or type of commodity, loading on the reserved flight is 100% guaranteed. The customers' "wish to deliver" is realized with top priority

Transport of semiconductor manufacturing equipment or medical devices with shock watches & tilt watches is available to be managed with handling considering the impact risk.
For the Sustainable Future
Realize sustainable logistics business at "ANA Cargo Base +"

Realize Efficient & Safe Cargo Transport
by Promoting Automation -
Achieving Energy Savings Through
Environment-Friendly Design
Realize Efficient & Safe Cargo Transport by Promoting Automation
Smart operations shall be realized by promoting automation

・Traditional duties will be performed by AGV to realize smart airport cargo warehouse operations
*AGV: Automated Guided Vehicle
・Due to AGV being durable for a long-hours, operations efficiency shall be greatly enhanced
・Introduction of AGV reduces human error & improves safety
・Improved productivity & facilities will contribute to the workers' well-being
Achieving Energy Savings Through Environment-Friendly Design
Highly efficient air conditioning equipment and building materials with high insulation performance are used

Achieving Energy Savings
As one of the initiatives to promote decarbonization, Narita Airport aims to construct new buildings as ZEBs (*2) based on BELS (*1). The No. 8 cargo building acquired the "ZEB Oriented" certification (*3) on July 28, 2023, by adopting highly efficient air conditioning equipment and building materials with high insulation performance.
In addition, by introducing a solar power generation system, "energy creation" is implemented.
*1 What is BELS?
BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System) is a building's energy saving performance indication system. It is a certification system conducted by a 3rd evaluation party, specialized in the buildings' energy-saving performance, led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and a five-level rating is applied based on the number of stars.
*2 What is ZEB and *3 ZEB Oriented?
ZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) is a building that aims to achieve zero annual primary energy balance while realizing a comfortable indoor space. ZEB Oriented is a building with a total floor area exceeding 10,000m2 that has achieved more than 40% energy-savings vs. standard primary energy consumption, or realized energy-saving by more than 30%.